Saturday, 28 March 2015

Miss Violence - 2013 ****

'Miss Violence' is one of the strangest and most disturbing films I have seen this year, and I fear the images will stay with me for quite a while. The first scene of this Greek drama shows a children's birthday party taking place in a small flat. The second scene shows the birthday girl on the ground below, having jumped to her death. But why?
Once you reach the end of this film you really are despairing for the human race, and cannot quite believe that people who 'love' each other can behave in such a heinous and despicable way.
I am not going to divulge the plot of this, because I feel it is more powerful to be watched without really knowing what is going on, but I can liken the story to Vinterberg's "Festen" mixed with a tiny dash of Lanthimos' "Dogtooth." Bizarre, unsettling and strange.

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