A horrendously bad nightmare of a film trying to masquerade as 'cult' because its got the sort of acid-trip nonsense that seemed to befit 'Eraserhead'. Both made me wish I had shoved my head in the oven. Woods plays a disgruntled head of a TV channel who is looking for a new and exciting idea to attract bigger audiences. When he hears about the mysterious "Videodrome" - a channel that portrays rape, murder and torture, he becomes fascinated and broadcasts the channel. His nutty and sexually voracious girlfriend starts to become obsessed with the horrible images. She then decides to leave to audition for a role, leaving James Woods in a state of permanent lunacy.
Just horrible, I didn't like it and it made me feel uncomfortable. I understand it was trying to show us a morality tale of what happens when people get too reliant and obsessive over television, as well as how people can take images on screen too literally, but it wasn't presented in a viewer friendly way to appeal. Thumbs down from me.
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