Monday, 15 September 2014

Edge of Tomorrow - 2014 *** 1/2

'Edge of Tomorrow' can only be summed up as a sci-fi version of 'Groundhog Day' as a military officer is killed trying to combat aliens, but then discovers he is caught in a time loop where he combats and dies every day. He decides to use this to his advantage and better his skills with the knowledge he gains each time he fails. And then he meets Rita, and must team up with her to overpower the aliens once and for all whilst also trying to explain to her day after day of his terrifying predicament. I don't know what has happened to Emily Blunt's face, but it seems she's had half of it sucked out and if you compare it to her earlier films it looks like someone's taken a chisel to it.
I liked the premise, and found it fascinating to watch (although at times I was a tad confused) and was rather disappointed by the ending. Some might say it was a typical Hollywood one.

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