Well this was a bit of an oddball. A successful and attractive woman falls for a charming and handsome man, only to discover that he is married. What starts off as an awkward acquaintance seems to quickly progress into a full blown friendship (can you imagine guys doing the same?!) and is blown up even more when it comes to light that said man is going on holiday and meets yet another woman. The three women decide to team up and seriously pay back this god awful player for all he has done to them. It should be a brilliant, woman power type movie, but it comes across as a bit tired and sad to me. Cameron Diaz is a bit (dare I say it) washed up, Leslie Mann was awful and Kate Upton's chest did most of the acting for her. The three of them make a bit of a motley crew in all honesty, and whilst I never condone what the make character has done, I didn't care enough about any of the characters to 'have their backs'.
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