Saturday, 18 July 2015

A Deadly Adoption - 2015 ****

Few people were less interested in the 'secret' film that Will Ferrell was completing with Kristen Wiig without the public's knowledge than me. So when it was suddenly released I was equally uninterested. However, after deciding I was being a tad harsh and should just give it a go, I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I do confess to being a bit of a fan of Lifetime movies, especially if you get a really gripping true story, but I doubted much could be done involving Ferrell and Wiig without extreme hysteria. Why would they want to It was hard to know at the beginning whether it was going to be a spoof or dark comedy. Actually, it was neither, and in fact became quite a dark and unsettling thriller.
After suffering a terrible tragedy, Sarah and her husband Robert are feeling helpless over being unable to conceive anymore children. As a result of this, they become fiercely protective over the young daughter they already have and barely let her out of their sight. Five years down the line and Sarah feels that it is time to look into adopting a child, and Robert is having sober after having to deal with his previous alcoholism, which left him a wreck, mentally and physically. Both feel that adopting another child will bring their fractured relationship together, and repair the loss they have experienced. The light at the end of the tunnel comes in the form of a woman named Bridgette whom is coming to the final month of her pregnancy and is keen to find some people to adopt her child when it's born. Sarah and Robert cannot believe their luck, surely this is too good to be true?
Although it's a fairly predictable story, it was still fun to watch and surprisingly well acted by Ferrell (not sure I like Wiig though).

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